Thursday, 13 November 2014

Types of Online Assessments and How to Use Them

One of the major aspects of the recruitment process is assessment of candidates before hiring them. The process of recruitment may vary from company to company but every organization uses some form of assessment to test the skill and knowledge of applicants. Assessments can also be performed on existing employees to identify the nature of training they might require to improve their performance. Talent management companies offer wide range of tools and resources which you can purchase online and use it to assess external candidates or your existing employees.

Types of Assessment Tools
Reputed online talent management companies offer a wide range of resources that include survey kits, learning aids, assessment tools and training products. Under each category of resources there are several different types of products you can buy and use. All the resources available online are designed for specific category of workforce. The assessment category of resources offer feedback platform, numerical ability online test and in basket exercises. The aim of these tools is to assess managerial skills, cognitive or functional skills, product knowledge, etc.

Using Ability Tests Effectively

The online ability test platform offered by popular talent management consultants allows you to create, deploy and analyse test results in a salable manner. Use the pre-loaded numerical ability online test as a guideline for developing your own tests. With the help of smart development features deploy the tests to as many users as you want in a face-to-face setting or virtually. The dashboard will help you track access and completion in real time. Finally, analyse the results and get detailed individual reports. 

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